Is Your Partnership Strategy Built on Guesswork?

CastMetrics quantifies real ROI for brands and uncovers revenue potential for teams—drive decisions using real consumer spending data.

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active cardholders


in Spending


Brands Covered


Teams & Leagues

There's a better way to measure partnerships

With our extensive anonymized credit and debit card dataset the days of justifying your partnership investments with "top of funnel" or "brand awareness" are over.


The CastMetrics Way

Bullet PointMeasures real spending. We track objective fan spending down to the cent.

Bullet PointMassive volume. Our data covers over 125M people from every region and demographic.

Bullet PointGranular and flexible. No need to guess about effects or be limited to questions you thought of in advance for a survey.

Bullet PointReal-time and automated. We can see transactions on as little as a 24-hour delay.


The Old Way

Bullet PointOpinions and foggy estimates. Surveys, social media impressions, and other proxies can't match the accuracy of real spending data.

Bullet PointSmall, biased samples. Surveys suffer from small, self-selecting participant pools.

Bullet PointSuperficial and rigid. Surveys are confined to pre-set questions, missing unforeseen inquiries.

Bullet PointDelayed and manual. Surveys take significant time to administer and analyze.

Our Products

We offer a range of products for measuring partnership ROI, market research, and competitive benchmarking.

Measure partnership impact in dollars and cents and compare to benchmarks with our FanSpend Platform

Whether your organization is a brand, a team, or a league, FanSpend can help you understand the true value of your existing partnerships.

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Calculate ROI

FanSpend is the primary tool we use to evaluate partnership performance and derive detailed ROI estimates by measuring fan spending with a partner brand over time.

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Competitor Benchmarks

Understand true performance by benchmarking your partnership against other fanbases and with competitor brands.

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The Organizations we Serve

The granularity and large volume of our data makes us well positioned to help organizations large and small. From a smaller DTC brand just exploring your first partnership to a Fortune 500 brand or nationwide league, we've got you covered.

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Teams & Leagues

Our work has shown us that rights holders often struggle to prove the value their are providing with their partnerships. We have helped numerous properties to show the value of their assets definitively, and this has translated into tangible increases in valuations, renewals, and sales. In some cases we've seen partnerships undervalued by as much as 10x. Stop guessing - get real answers for your partners.

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Large and small brands have different pain points with their partnerships. For large brands with hundreds of partners, it can be tough to figure out where you're overpaying, where you should invest more, and what blindspots are leaving signficant value on the table. For small brands with small budgets, approaching partnerships blind can be risky. Get the insights you need to maximize partnership ROI.

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Agencies in the sports space are often working with many rights holders and brands simultaneously and existing tools make comparing across groups a nightmare. We help you build an automated, standardized system to get your clients accurate and dependable data to make the right decisions. Our tools are indispensable for valuations, competitive analysis, and market research.

Something happened to sports partnerships.

Hey everyone-

I'm Wyatt, the CEO here at CastMetrics.

Sports partnerships get a bad rap, but they shouldn’t. Partnerships are a treasure.

It feels great to go to a game with someone you care about, and share a local partnered beer. Or try a new tequila you enjoy. Or participate in the stadium bingo with your kids. Sports partnerships bring people together.

And that used to be enough, but with market downturns, mass layoffs, and brands holding onto their marketing dollars closer than ever, measuring impact on their bottom line became mission critical.

Measuring success has always been viewed in obscurity by the smoke and mirrors of survey data and media valuations.

We've been conditioned to accept soft metrics that hint at potential, whisper promises of engagement, and dance around the actual impact on revenue.

But it's time for a change.

CastMetrics doesn’t just estimate or suggest; we reveal. We illuminate the true path your fans take from the stands to the storefront with debit and credit card transaction data.

These are the kinds of insights that turn guesswork into certainty, transforming how you perceive and value sports partnerships.

With CastMetrics, the days of justifying your investments with "top of funnel" or "brand awareness" are over.

We don't deal in maybes. We deal in definites. Real revenue, real results, real ROI.

CastMetrics is our love letter to sports partnerships, and we’re sending it to a major league team near you.

Wyatt Mayham, CEO, CastMetrics

One step to transform
your partnership strategy

Book a demo today and get exclusive insights on your partnerships entirely for free.

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